Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some days you wish your bed was already made...

As I woke up this morning to the sweet SCREAMS of Loey calling MMMOmmy!!!! I had no idea what kind of day I was in for... you know the kind, where it just seems no matter what you do things just keep coming at you (can I get a break). Well I had to know it was coming, it had been building for more than a week, just getting ready to pound me into the ground, for a nice breakdown. Which I must say came in an unusual package. I had no idea when Josh asked me to sew him a hunting chair it would all go down like it did. I'll start from the beginning; on Thursday I finished sewing the chair (that he begged for). Friday Night Josh and his friend Brian said they wanted to set up their tree stands, I convinced them that it wasn't a good idea (because they might get stolen). Saturday: they hunt the first light...and as I found out today they left their stands IN THE TREE! Had I have known it wouldn't have happened. Well guess what Josh goes to check on the stands and they are gone STOLEN...new chair and all. I cried for about 2 hours, ridiculous I know, but I put in so much time, thought and effort into that chair. I was heart broken, I felt a though he didn't appreciate it enough to take the extra time and insure its safety. Sometime I think guys just don't think. Almost six years of marriage and I still have no idea how his brain works. It's like my mom put it "you wouldn't park your bike in a park and leave it overnight and expect it to be there in the morning." So that's it, that's what started my bad day. I'm overly stressed out and need a mommy break or a shower alone (without baby).