Thursday, October 23, 2008

Post Turtle (not mine, still hilarious)

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher who's hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually, the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our president.The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'Post Turtle' '.Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road, and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle' '.The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain, 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, and he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of dummy put him up there to begin with. Now that's funny!!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

weight watchers

I started WW as of two days ago, not sure if I like it yet or even if its really gonna work. I know I shouldn't but I weighed yesterday and I gained 3 is it possible that I am practically starving and gaining weight? Well I will stick it out for 3 months and see how it goes. Any advise? Oh and totally off subject I added google search engines to my blog, so use them, I want to see if I really get paid. Thanks guys!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Loey is finally growing some hair.

Loey's stink face...but she is finally getting some hair. I also added a pic of her cool projector, it tells her bedtime stories w/slides and then turns itself off when its finished. VERY COOL!!!!

Sick is the pitts!

I have come to realize that I can't go a day without claratin in the fall/winter months, here in Jersey that is. I accidently forgot to take it and WHAM>>>I'm sick! I was lucky enough that Josh came home from work **sneeze** to take care of Lauren for a few hours so I could shower and sleep. Today I woke up feeling a tiny bit better, but by the night I was feeling bad again. Someone please come rescue me! I will try to write more tomorrow, I just wanted to fill ya'll in on us. ttyl Tra

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I made a Tinkerbell Costume!!! here it is Nat!

This is the costume and bow I made for my friend Jennifer's baby Natalie! This is the first real costume I've made. It was so fun. I hope you love it Natty-bug!

Ouch! "Mommy, bike bite you?"

Josh and I decided to go for a bike ride a couple of days ago, which we like to do about once a week or so. Everything was going well...when out of the blue I fell with the baby, in her chair on the back. Lauren was fine, for whatever reason Josh insisted she wear her helmet (she never ever wears it) for the ride that day. I thank my lucky stars she did, because there is a big dent in the helmet and not her head right now. As for me see pics above...

Friday, October 3, 2008

stop sneezing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop the madness...So I adopted this cat on my 5 year anniversary (June 7, 2008), oblivious to the obvious disorders she has. So the day after we brought her home (she came with one free vet visit***first sign of a problem) we took her to the vet just to get a check-up. The vet insured us that she was fine, just a little nasal congestion from the kennel, but thought she looked like an older cat (they told us she was four). Well after a month of snot rockets all over the house I took her back to the vet...there had to be a problem. The vet said its either an infection or a nasal paulp (wah?) and that's a $3000 surgery. Long story short, we treated for infection, 2 weeks later snot rockets return, till this day rapid fire sneezing and snot rockets. What should I do its been 4 months and now I'm attached? Oh and by the way, the cat has a microchip in her shoulder and the company that put it there sent us a letter asking us to verify all the info and make sure its correct...Stevie our 4 year old cat is really almost 8. grrr.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I can't believe its morning already, so tired... and the sweet songs of the Wonder Pets are putting me back to sleep. I need some motivation to get me going today. Loey is so quiet its ridiculous. In the great words of the Wonder Pets "Whats gonna work team work" and I think that's exactly what I need, ***Get up Josh*** he is still sleeping. I'm not sure what I need to get done today, the house is spotless, the carpets are clean, dishes-done, laundry-all caught up. I need to create something today that's it! Sewing it is.....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some days you wish your bed was already made...

As I woke up this morning to the sweet SCREAMS of Loey calling MMMOmmy!!!! I had no idea what kind of day I was in for... you know the kind, where it just seems no matter what you do things just keep coming at you (can I get a break). Well I had to know it was coming, it had been building for more than a week, just getting ready to pound me into the ground, for a nice breakdown. Which I must say came in an unusual package. I had no idea when Josh asked me to sew him a hunting chair it would all go down like it did. I'll start from the beginning; on Thursday I finished sewing the chair (that he begged for). Friday Night Josh and his friend Brian said they wanted to set up their tree stands, I convinced them that it wasn't a good idea (because they might get stolen). Saturday: they hunt the first light...and as I found out today they left their stands IN THE TREE! Had I have known it wouldn't have happened. Well guess what Josh goes to check on the stands and they are gone chair and all. I cried for about 2 hours, ridiculous I know, but I put in so much time, thought and effort into that chair. I was heart broken, I felt a though he didn't appreciate it enough to take the extra time and insure its safety. Sometime I think guys just don't think. Almost six years of marriage and I still have no idea how his brain works. It's like my mom put it "you wouldn't park your bike in a park and leave it overnight and expect it to be there in the morning." So that's it, that's what started my bad day. I'm overly stressed out and need a mommy break or a shower alone (without baby).